

Ruling 1


New True Mother


On September 23, 2017 (Heavenly Date: 8th year of Cheon-gi, 8th month & 4th day), Hyun Shil Kang was anointed as the first generation True Mother. True Mother Kang fulfilled the perfection level True Mother position which was left vacant by the failure and betrayal of Hak Ja Han. Yeonah Moon holds the True Mother position of the second generation who must attend Moon Shin Joon as her King after the Second King finishes his reign.

Date of the Ruling initial notes taken by meeting participant (GN): June 16, 2016
Date of King's approval of the final Ruling language: June 1, 2017
King’s Signature: [Hyung Jin Moon]
Date of Publication of the Ruling: June 3, 2017





Ruling 2


The Blessing for Returning to True Father’s Authority


The 2nd King of Cheon Il Guk has clearly explained that Han mother left her position as True Mother after True Father’s Seonghwa (ascension). All decisions she has made after September 3, 2012, are not valid. 


The “Foundation Day” held in February 2013 centering on Han Hak Ja was a false “Foundation Day.” Those who drank the “Holy Wine” given out by FFWPU or participated in this ceremony in February 2013 lost their Blessing status to Satan. These families need to go through the change of blood lineage process again. This means to receive the true Holy Wine, participate in a Holy Blessing Ceremony conducted under True Father’s authority, go through the 40 day period of separation, indemnity stick and conduct the 3-Day Ceremony


The same applies to people who participated in FFWPU “blessings” after February 2013. In order to return to True Father’s Authority, one must be blessed using the instruction given on the April 21, 2015 Blessing. If there is an error committed during 40 day separation or 3-Day Ceremony, a continental coordinator of Unification Sanctuary can decide the condition to restore such failure.


Date of the Ruling initial notes taken by meeting participant (GN): June 2016
Date of King's approval of the final Ruling language: July 27, 2017
King’s Signature: [Hyung Jin Moon] 
Date of Publication of the Ruling: July 31, 2017





Ruling 3


What Can People Do to Support the Three Generation Kingships?


  1. Sing the 'Blessing of Glory' as the Cheon Il Guk National Anthem. 
  2. Daily reading of True Father's words (8 Great Textbooks). 
  3. Recite the original True Father’s Family Pledge. 
  4. Pray to 'Heavenly Father.'
  5. Believe that True Father Sun Myung Moon is the returning Messiah and that Hyung Jin Moon, the 2nd King of Cheon Il Guk, is his representative and heir in the physical world who has inherited the True Parents’ authority and preserves the words and practices established by True Father.


Date of the Ruling initial notes taken by meeting participant (GN): June 9, 2016
Date of King's approval of the final Ruling language: June 1, 2017
King’s Signature: [Hyung Jin Moon] 
Date of Publication of the Ruling: June 3, 2017





Ruling 4




The King or Unification Sanctuary headquarters will not get involved in local disputes. We promote debate but not physical aggression. 


If someone is unreasonable and acts too strongly then people should feel free to leave that dominating leader and create or join another community or project. Let the free market determine leadership. We do not pursue a centralized church but a decentralized movement. 


Date of the Ruling initial notes taken by meeting participant (GN): June 16, 2016
Date of King's approval of the final Ruling language: June 1, 2017
King’s Signature: [Hyung Jin Moon] 
Date of Publication of the Ruling: June 3, 2017





Ruling 5


Wearing of Crowns and Crowning Events


There is no official ruling about any 'crowning ceremony' events, but if individual locations or local organizations wish to create a process for receiving a crown, they are free to do so. The only stipulation is that a crown is to be worn only by Blessed couples where both spouses are in good standing under True Father’s authority. 


Date of the Ruling initial notes taken by meeting participant (GN): February 2017
Date of King's approval of the final Ruling language: June 1, 2017
King’s Signature: [Hyung Jin Moon] 
Date of Publication of the Ruling: June 3, 2017





Ruling 6


Second Generation Status


Any sexually pure second generation who is part of FFWPU and is blessed to a Unification Sanctuary second generation person in good standing will recover their second generation status. 


Date of the Ruling initial notes taken by meeting participant (GN): July 14, 2016
Date of King's approval of the final Ruling language: June 1, 2017
King’s Signature: [Hyung Jin Moon] 
Date of Publication of the Ruling: June 3, 2017





Ruling 7


Prayers – How to Report


When praying, a Blessed couple under True Father's authority, can pray and report in their own name ____________, a Blessed Central Family. A non-blessed family or single individual who is not Blessed can pray and report in prayer in the name of the “Three Generation Kingships.” 


Date of the Ruling initial notes taken by meeting participant (GN): August 11, 2016
Date of King's approval of the final Ruling language: July 27, 2017
King’s Signature: [Hyung Jin Moon] 
Date of Publication of the Ruling: July 31, 2017





Ruling 8


What Constitutes a Fall?


Any sex outside a Blessed marriage is not ordained by God. Sex is determined as willful touching of another’s sexual organs, vaginal intercourse, anal, oral or otherwise even through clothing. This includes any and all forms of homosexual or lesbian sexual activity, Artificially Intelligent substitutes for humans, animals and any genetically modified biological living organisms. These constitute the Fall. Accidental touching, a medical examination and victims of sexual assault or rape are not the Fall. 


A second generation person who engages in any of these behaviors becomes a first generation person and needs to do a 40 day separation condition, the 3-Day Ceremony and the indemnity stick ceremony to receive the Blessing. This Blessing must be done according to Unification Sanctuary standard. 


Date of the Ruling initial notes taken by meeting participant (GN): June 9, 2016
Date of King's approval of the final Ruling language: June 1, 2017
King’s Signature: [Hyung Jin Moon] 
Date of Publication of the Ruling: June 3, 2017





Ruling 9




Divorce, though highly discouraged, is permitted in the following situations: 


  1. Partner leaving the faith. 
  2. Not having the ability to have children. 
  3. Adultery. 


Date of the Ruling initial notes taken by meeting participant (GN): August 11, 2016
Date of King's approval of the final Ruling language: June 1, 2017
King’s Signature: [Hyung Jin Moon] 
Date of Publication of the Ruling: June 3, 2017





Ruling 10


The Status of 'Symbolic' Blessings Given for Groups of People


There have been some couples who have been blessed in the past, but they have not gone through the 3-Day Ceremony. They are individuals such as public relations contacts, parents of brothers and sisters (in the Unification Sanctuary or FFWP), or Christians who have remained in their groups or denominations but accepted True Father as a great teacher. There are hundreds of Christian faithful blessed in this manner. Sometimes their names are not known because they have received the Blessing as a group in their church. The question has been asked, if such Blessings should be counted or considered as "actual" Blessings. The answer provided by the 2nd King of CIG is that True Father gave special grace for these Blessings, but these Blessings should be considered as 'Conditional' Blessings and not yet as fully 'Blessed Couples' who have had their blood lineage changed. 


King’s ruling on this matter of individuals and couples who have received such a 'Conditional' Blessing is that they need to accept True Father as the Messiah and his Three Generation Kingships and go through a 40 day separation period, the 3-Day Ceremony and chastening stick ceremony. 


Date of the Ruling initial notes taken by meeting participant (GN): February 23, 2017
Date of King's approval of the final Ruling language: June 1, 2017
King’s Signature: [Hyung Jin Moon] 
Date of Publication of the Ruling: June 3, 2017





Ruling 11




Suicide is the desecration of God’s gift of human life. 


Cases involving mental illness or martyrdom may be reported to the King for permission to hold a Seonghwa Ceremony. 


Date of the Ruling initial notes taken by meeting participant (GN): August 11, 2016
Date of King's approval of the final Ruling language: June 1, 2017
King’s Signature: [Hyung Jin Moon] 
Date of Publication of the Ruling: June 3, 2017





Ruling 12


Artificial Insemination


Artificial insemination from non-spousal donors is not endorsed or recognized by the King – instead a couple should receive an offering child. Adoption from outside the faith is acceptable but the child would be first generation. 


Date of the Ruling initial notes taken by meeting participant (GN): August 4, 2016
Date of King's approval of the final Ruling language: June 1, 2017
King’s Signature: [Hyung Jin Moon] 
Date of Publication of the Ruling: June 3, 2017





Ruling 13




Human life begins at conception. 


Date of the Ruling initial notes taken by meeting participant (GN): June 9, 2016
Date of King's approval of the final Ruling language: June 1, 2017
King’s Signature: [Hyung Jin Moon] 
Date of Publication of the Ruling: June 3, 2017





Ruling 14


Failure to Complete the 3-Day Ceremony in Three Days


The 3-Day Ceremony should be completed and done as prescribed within three days – there are no exceptions. If a couple fails to perform the ceremony in three days, then a new 40 day separation period needs to be re-established (in consultation with a continental coordinator) and then the 3-Day Ceremony needs to be repeated. 


The ideal is insertion and ejaculation but if not physically possible then insertion alone or contact between sexual organs is acceptable. 


Date of the Ruling initial notes taken by meeting participant (GN): October 20, 2016 and October 27, 2016
Date of King's approval of the final Ruling language: June 1, 2017
King’s Signature: [Hyung Jin Moon] 
Date of Publication of the Ruling: June 3, 2017





Ruling 15


Children Who Died in the Womb Should Be Named


Children who died in the womb should be named (unisex name if the sex was not known). These children must be liberated through an Ancestor Liberation Ceremony officiated by the King of CIG. 


Date of the Ruling initial notes taken by meeting participant (GN): November 25, 2016
Date of King's approval of the final Ruling language: June 1, 2017
King’s Signature: [Hyung Jin Moon] 
Date of Publication of the Ruling: June 3, 2017





Ruling 16


Use of Contraception


Contraception that prevents conception is not a sin.
Date of the Ruling initial notes taken by meeting participant (GN): January 5, 2017
Date of King's approval of the final Ruling language: June 1, 2017
King’s Signature: [Hyung Jin Moon] 
Date of Publication of the Ruling: June 3, 2017


Sanctuary Church


889 Main Street
Newfoundland, PA 18445
Tel: 570-832-4476

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